What is the name of the book and when was it published?
Nose, Legs, Body! Know Wine Like The Back of Your Hand. Published: July 1, 2013
What’s the book’s first line?
At precisely 5PM on a Friday, at the door leading to a back room of a popular Los Angeles wine store, enthusiastic wine tasters, from beginner to expert, pay a nominal fee to experience a handful of world famous wines.
What’s the book about? Give us the “pitch”.
Go from newbie to wine savvy in this quick and easy guide that answers 50 critical questions about wine.
What inspired you to write the book? A particular person? An event?
After collecting the most common questions from readers of my weekly wine column over ten years, I had the core of a book, and then expanded on the questions by telling personal stories, creating quick-reference tables and offering easy tasting exercises to do at home.
What’s the most distinctive thing about the main character? Who-real or fictional-would you say the character reminds you of?
I guess the recounting of my early personal wine experiences make me the main character—one who empathizes with the passionate wine lover struggling to decode its mystique.
What’s the main reason someone should really read this book?
To more fully appreciate one of the greatest gifts of nature.