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By Claudio Chiste

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In his introduction to RISE OF THE WARRIOR LEADER, author Claudio Chistè quotes an article from “The Economist” that criticizes the current culture of leadership literature: “The sheer amount of guff written about leadership, management and careers is staggering. Publishers spew out new business titles, some good, most not […] It is hard for any would-be business guru to stand out in this ocean of effluent.” So how does Chistè address this pre-emptive strike, and what justifies the existence of yet another business how-to manual?
There are a few personal factors that set Chistè apart. He has done the hard miles in management and leadership expected from any business guru, but this has been across numerous industries. He has allied his varied CV with training as a certified Master NLP Practitioner and expanded his range as a TEDx global speaker. But it is perhaps his extensive experience as a Combat Officer in the South African Navy that is his unique selling point. The militaristic (pragmatic but occasionally combative) approach to leadership outlined here, which is clearly signposted by the book’s title, aims to cut through the verbiage of so many other similar books. Chistè proposes back-to-basics methods. As he writes, “it can be seen as humanity returning to our military origins and rediscovering ancient strategies from our hunter-gatherer ancestors.”
In order to build his theories, the author analyzes writings from the likes of Peter Drucker and Daniel Kahneman, as well as the perennial business book foundational text: Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War.” The depth of Chistè’s reading is admirable. In creating RISE OF THE WARRIOR LEADER, he has cast a wide net that seeks inspiration beyond the parameters of the usual sources for similar books. Perhaps the most innovative and informative of his source materials are those that touch specifically on his South African heritage. In investigating his theory of “servant and steward leadership,” there are fascinating diversions into the life of the Zulus, King Moshoeshoe, and King Shaka. Later an in-depth appreciation of the diplomacy and leadership qualities of Nelson Mandela, highlighting his skills in both hands-on and hands-off approaches, brings a fresh angle to the subject.
In common with the majority of business books, Chistè’s inspirations and ideas are almost entirely male dominated. Perhaps this is unavoidable, due to the historic and militaristic nature of his sources. As much as he should be commended for bringing a multi-cultural perspective to his theories, there still appears to be scope for a more gender-equalized philosophy of leadership. This is not to say that Chistè ignores the roles of the male and female in leadership completely: “Male energy, which is represented by the Warrior Leader, is often associated with traits such as assertiveness, directness and competitiveness, while female energy, represented by the Steward Leader, is associated with traits such as empathy, compassion and collaboration.” That said, there is very little in the text that examines how female leaders may have actually achieved practical real-world success. Nor is there any great investigation into the positives or negatives of culturally-assigned gender roles. It is well-designed, with numerous charts and graphs incorporated into the text, and the author often communicates complicated ideas well. Care is also taken to meticulously reference source material, a boon to those who will be inspired to delve deeper.
With its focus on South African leadership culture and a clarity of purpose, Claudio Chistè’s RISE OF THE WARRIOR LEADER offers enough new ideas to justify its place in the burgeoning business book sector.
~Kent Lane for IndieReader

Digital On Demand
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RISE OF THE WARRIOR LEADER by Claudio Chiste offers practical guidance for those aiming to become leaders in today’s rapidly changing world. The book contains fresh and unique insights on critical leadership skills, blending in the author’s personal experiences within the military and corporate spheres. The author incorporates realistic advice for building fortitude, earning trust and sharpening a leadership mindset daily. Furthermore, the author references historical figures from many cultures to bolster his advice. The book will prove helpful for readers who want to improve their leadership skills as it is grounded in the modern era, considering aspects such as the impact of social media and the evolving definitions of leadership.

Claudio Chiste
Digital On Demand
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