Clovercroft Publishing

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Conscious Coupling

By Don Desroches and Dana Greco

A comprehensive, analytical approach to the reasons one should or shouldn’t decide to get married.

Marriage, like a career, isn’t something that should be undertaken lightly. While many aspects of it can be exciting, the vast majority of it requires a steady hand and the willingness to work out problems. Divorce mediators and couples/family therapists Don Desroches and Dana Greco have written a book that explores the pros, cons, and unexpected realities of a committed, lasting marriage. Divided into 20 principal sections that lay out the various challenges of marriage, from developing trust to dealing with tragedy, the book also tries to portray heterosexual marriage with equal input from both a male and female perspective. The book makes allowances for outdated gender roles and expectations, but encourages a more progressive but fair approach to dating, sex, romance, and committed love.

The willingness of the authors to share their personal stories up front transforms the book from an impersonal tract into a relatable, compelling narrative. The advice dispensed throughout the work is clearly informed by personal experience and the stories of the couples and individuals Desroches and Greco have helped professionally. Because of this, the work is thought-provoking and useful. Desroches and Greco are careful never to try and push any particular agenda aside from encouraging their audience to get to know both themselves and their potential future partner as best as they can before tying the knot. With a clear, concise writing style and a sensible structure, CONSCIOUS COUPLING is gripping and helpful.

Anyone who is considering marriage should first ask themselves all of the questions posed by this book is straightforward, wonderfully organized and professionally researched pages. CONSCIOUS COUPLING is written for anyone who wants to create a long-lasting, sustainable loving relationship.
