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Cocksmith at the Helm

By J.A. Finisterre

IR Rating:
The descriptions of place—from the stuffy school to the lush Islands—are also quite very well-drawn but by the end, the sex—which is quite graphic and plentiful—becomes a bit one-note.
NOTE: THIS IS A SEXUALLY EXPLICIT BOOK Myron Cocksmith is the Principal, wrestling coach and former student of Our Lady of Gethsemane, a Jesuit school rampant with talking portraits of past principals and staff and students preoccupied with sex.

Blessed with an unusually large member and an active imagination, Cocksmith has at it (always from the rear) with everyone from Mrs. Yu (his compliant office secretary) to a defiant and misbehaving student (aka Dirty Wendy) but not, it should be noted, until the latter turns eighteen.

The general drift is that having been blessed with so large a member—nicknamed by Mrs. Yu as “The Dragon”, Cocksmith (and his cock) are to be worshipped.  And for the most part, his conquests—from his grown-up schoolboy crushes to Dirty Wendy’s mom—are perfectly happy to do so.

The story is divided into three parts.  The first concerns mostly Mrs. Yu and the taming of Dirty Wendy.  We also meet Mr. Laborteau, the seventy-nine year old, well-hung, pot smoking groundskeeper.  Having grown restless with his position at the school, part two find Mr. Cocksmith travelling with Mrs. Yu and Dirty Wendy to a Greek Island, where Wendy’s mother comes to stay and promptly finds love—and sexual gratification—with Mrs. Yu.  It is also here that Wendy, in the culmination of a Greek-island orgy, gets impregnated by a goat-boy.  The final part—and the weakest of three—has Cocksmith returning with a pregnant Wendy to his duties at the school and further (mis)adventures with the misbehaving students and faculty.

Despite his rather narrow sexual preferences, Mr. Cocksmith is mostly a well-rounded and well-written character.  The descriptions of place—from the stuffy school to the lush Islands—are also quite very well-drawn but by the end, the sex—which is quite graphic and plentiful—becomes a bit one-note.

Reviewed by IR Staff

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