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Alternate Ending

By Aaron G. Niz

IR Rating:
Though the book could have used some tightening, Niz serves up a powerful message along with an amiable and authentic main character.
Josh Miller is a high school sophomore and tennis-pro wannabe. When his physics teacher presents the theory of alternate universes Josh wonders if it's possible that there’s another world in which he’s not such a nerd.

Josh Miller is a high school sophomore and tennis-pro wannabe; the cool kids mock him, the girl he loves treats him like a buddy, and he’s the worst player trying out for the team.  Not much seems to be going right in his life—or so he thinks. When his physics teacher presents the theory of alternate universes Josh is fascinated. Is it possible, he wonders, that there’s another world in which he’s not such a nerd?

Author Aaron Niz uses some quirky plot twists to catapult Josh into another reality; in his new life he drives a black BMW, has 300 contacts on his cell phone, dates the hottest girl in school, and announces he’s ready for the U.S. Open. Life doesn’t seem like it could get any better—that is, until it all begins to fall apart.

In this imaginative novel, Niz delves into the world of competitive sports, the ups and downs of high school, and the conflicts and rewards of first love, friendship, and family. As bright as his new life seems at first, Josh swiftly begins to realize no matter what world you’re in, there are always problems to be surmounted. Not until he learns how to use defeat to make himself stronger does this young hero realize that it takes hard work and commitment to turn whatever world you’re in around. Though the book could have used some tightening, Niz serves up a powerful message along with an amiable and authentic main character.

Reviewed by Kathryn Livingston

Avid reader and book reviewer. Author “All About Motherhood” (an indie) and other titles that are not. Blogs about family issues. Practices yoga.

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