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The Day of the Knights

By Jack Joseph Prather

IR Rating:
A structured story relayed in a jumpy and eccentric style, using short chapters to leap from idea to idea.
A multi-layered thriller about a feud between a cop and a serial killer that is much bigger than its plot.

On the surface, The Day of the Knights is about a feud between a cop and a serial killer.  But it also overtly addresses many large and abstract modern-day issues–from the role of religion in public life to homophobia and terrorism.  

The book’s subject matter and style is non-standard, structured in a jumpy and eccentric style, using short chapters to leap from idea to idea.  The book blends real-life with fiction very well and, while it may not have the most “logical” of plots, it certainly is unique.

Although many popular and contemporary thrillers and mysteries are religious in nature, a book like this one will hold significant appeal to fans of multi-layered, symbolic thrillers. The Day of the Knights is a book about something much bigger than its plot.

Reviewed by IR Staff

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